Solid Waste

Effective October 1, 2017, residents in the cities of Biloxi, D’Iberville, Long Beach, Pass Christian and all unincorporated areas of Harrison County will receive their garbage, recycling and trash pickups from the following contractors:


*         Waste Management: Household garbage and recyclables

*         Pelican Waste: Trash, debris and oversized items 


Residents will get all services – garbage, trash and recycling – on the following day based on the map below:

 Service Route Map

Residents should use the 96-gallon brown HCUA cart for garbage and the 35-gallon green cart for recycling. Unbagged garbage or recycling outside the carts will not be picked up.


Carts should be placed outside by 6am on your day of service. The cart should be placed curbside with the handle facing your home. It should be placed at least five feet from vehicles, shrubbery, fire hydrants, mailboxes, etc. Do not block sidewalks or driveways or place carts in the street.


Trash (limbs, clippings, bulky items like furniture, etc) should be placed by the curbside. All leaves and grass should be bagged.


For further questions, please refer to the below Solid Waste Collections guidelines. Please print them out and keep around your home or office for reference. Click here for printable file.


Frequently Asked Questions


Who do I call if I have questions or need to report a service issue?

  • HCUA has a dedicated phone number to handle all customer service related calls – (228) 701-9086. Simply follow the automated prompts for the service type you are calling about. Option 1 is Waste Management, Option 2 is Pelican Waste and Option 3 will take you to the HCUA office to answer any other questions not covered in the phone menu selections.


Can I get a second cart?

  • Residents who would like a second cart can get one for $5.25 per month ($63.00 annually - Oct 1st thru Sept. 30th)). Please contact  Waste Management at 228-701-9086 (option 1). You will be billed annually by Waste Management for the second cart.


What will my bill be?

  • HCUA does not bill residents directly - they only manage the collection and disposal services and bill the cities and county. Bills are based on the number of customers in each city/county based on a house count that is conducted on an annual basis.
  • HCUA’s estimated bills to the cities and county is $14.33 per month per home for home services.
  • Residents will receive their bills from their respective city. Contact your City with regard to any possible changes to your current bill.
  • Residents in unincorporated Harrison County will continue to their garbage/recycle/trash bill included as part of their annual county taxes. For any questions regarding this assessment, please contact Harrison County directly.


What items can be recycled and how should they be disposed of?


CAN: Aluminum cans, plastic products (rated #1 to #3 – bottles, jugs, etc.), clean pizza boxes, garden plastics, flattened cardboard boxes, empty containers, glass and paper products such as newspapers, magazines, phone books, etc.


CANNOT: Plastic bags, foam or Styrofoam containers, wire hangers, windows, mirrors, ceramic or Pyrex dishes, organic or food waste, electronics, paint, pesticides, cleaners, waxed cardboard, needles or syringes, scrap metal or hazardous waste.


*         Rinse all aluminum, glass and plastic recyclables before placing them in your cart.

*         It is not necessary to remove labels from metal, glass, plastic jugs, cans and/or jars.

*         Recyclables should be put loosely in your HCUA provided cart. Do not bag them.


Where can I dispose of hazardous waste?


*         There are two household hazardous waste programs currently available for the citizens of Harrison County. Both programs are funded through Harrison County and the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ).

*         Monthly Household Hazardous Waste Collection is done by appointments only by calling 228-896-0207.

2024 Dates for Monthly Household Hazardous Waste Collection

10076 Lorraine Road, Gulfport, MS  39503

Collection Dates are the second Saturday of each month.  If a holiday falls during a weekend or if there is extremely bad wheather conditions, the site may move the collection date.  It is recommended to call 228-896-0207 for questions relating to a scheduled date.


*         The following items are accepted:  latex or oil based paint, used cooking or automotive oil, antifreeze, household, car or marine batteries, aerosol cans, flammable liquids (like gasoline), white goods such as refrigerators and freezers, fluorescent light bulbs,, computers, cell phones, telephones, televisions, and tires (up to 25 per household).

*         Each spring, another hazardous waste day is held to include the above items and also chemicals and pesticides.

*         For more information, please call (228) 214-1405, Harrison County Beautification Department. 



Additional Tips for Waste Disposal & Conservation


*         Paints & Thinner Disposal: Paint cans should be empty and dry before disposing. Reduce the need for excess paint by only purchasing the amount you need or use it somewhere else or donate leftover paint to an area charity or civic group.

*         Yard Waste: Use your leaves in flower beds and below shrubs to act as a natural ground cover and soil enhancer.

*         Waste Reduction Tips: Look for products utilizing least wasteful packaging or recycled materials; avoid using disposable versions of razors, pens, lighters, batteries, and diapers whenever possible.; buy concentrates, “family sizes,” buik items and returnable containers to reduce packaging waste; buy products made from recycled products and products made from glass, metal and aluminum, as these products can be readily recycled.