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Last Week's Changes to Solid Waste Pick Up

Unfortunately, last week’s Solid Waste pick up schedule was impacted due to the winter weather. The safety of the public, employees, and property will always remain our most important priority. With being shut down for 3 days, Tuesday – Thursday,  that left 4 days of routes (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday) to be recovered in 3 days, running 30 routes per day.  No matter how you try to recover everything, there was one route day that we were not going to be able to complete before the week resets on Monday.  We looked at the route day with the least number of homes to minimize this impact. Tuesday was that day. WM and Pelican waste is going to pick up everything on Tuesday including any and all excess garbage residents have.  So, if you have extra bags of household garbage place it by your cart on Tuesday and the driver will reload the cart and dump the excess. Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience and will take care of all the extra garbage from not being able to run Tuesday’s route.